vendredi 15 octobre 2010

Laozi and the witch

I don't know much about American history but it seems immigrants arrived in this country with no expectation at all about the help the American State could provide for them. As a matter of fact, the very concept of "State" seems to be somehow eerie to most Americans who refer to the Government where Europeans -and the rest of the world for that matter- would refer to their respective State.

As we all know, the global historical mistrust of any too big political entity in America is reflected in the philosophical opposition between statism and minarchism. That fundamental dividing line between these two approaches of how a country should be run was most famously exemplified by R. Reagan's slogan:

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem

As written above, I don't know much about American history and politics but eventually I've come to the understanding that Republicans are more favorable to minarchism than their Democrat opponents.

There's now been some 2 years or so that a recent political trend in the US has emerged which seems to be even more demanding than the Rep re the need for less State (aka Marxism) and more "let the people free to live their lives without Government entanglement".

Whether they know it or not, these people in fact are giving a second life to a very old and basic concept of Chinese Taoism which is known as Wu wei. The core meaning of this concept is rather complex and hard to precisely define (we're talking about China here) but yet can be summed up as a means to restrain the prince from abuse of power, enjoining him to 'do' as little as possible.

For what I understand of the Tea Party movt, isn't it exactly what they expect from the people in Washington: Stop meddling in our private lives and get your dirty hands off our country!

I missed much of the story but I kinda understand that a certain Christine O'Donnell, more or less a prominent figure of the Tea Party, admitted she practised witchcraft as a teenager. Although her positions on sexuality aren't exactly sync with taoist sexual practices, she nonetheless actively and forcefully promotes a Chinese political theory in the United States of America.

After I've so often read so many Americans complaining that their country has been outsourcing most of the industrial jobs to China, the question arises now: Isn't Christine O'Donnell a leading member of the Chinese fifth column in the US whose ultimate goal is to bring America down to her knees?

Who would have thought that 2.500 years after he died Laozi's philosophy would be propagated on the other side of the earth by an American witch?

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