lundi 2 août 2010

The Stowaway

We know the prejudice related to the French among a good part of the American population. Some are positive, some are less so...

Those who indulge in French bashing or simply keep on nurturing the prejudice probably believe they do so out of their own free will and after careful examination of the issue.

They forget there was a stowaway aboard the Mayflower, whose name was: francophobia. Yes, when the pilgrims set sail towards America, they carried with them 5 centuries of enmity and prejudice vis à vis the French. Hadn't the English been invaded in 1066 and at war with France during the 100 year war, 4 centuries later? Remember Joan of Arc?

5 centuries of hostility way before the foundation of the American Republic! That's more than twice the life span of the US as an independent country...

Like it or not, American French-bashers are puppets in the hands of their former masters, the English, who are still pulling the strings beyond the centuries and beyond the waves.

And yet they should know: after nearly 1000 years, the French don't really care about the English, at least they don't pay attention to their innate francophobia. We know it's one of these weaknesses they've transported to America.

At the end of the day, the Atlantic Ocean is no more than 20 miles wide, just like the English Channel, when it comes to francophobia.

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