mercredi 16 juin 2010

Nation building, yeah, sure...

If there may exist a more insane war than all others the world has ever known, it has to be the one currently being waged by the West in Afghanistan. With no end in sight, Americans as well as Europeans persist in occupying a country and killing its population which have done nothing to them and didn't even think of doing anything against them.

A war that was launched in October of 2001 with one stated goal only: to get hold of one single man, possibly 2, counting Molah Omar. Yeah, a war launched to catch one single man!!! Ain't that rich?

And since then we've been brain washed into thinking the survival of the West was at stake, terrorists had to be eliminated from the surface of the earth and the only way to achieve these objectives was to stay in Afghanistan as long as it would take to finish the job and on and on and on… 

Been there before? Yeah, right, the Iraqi terrorist regime had to be put to death in order to protect civilized countries from the devilish WMDs S. Hussein was about to launch and which could reach Europe within 40 minutes! (Or was it 20?)

So far this whole madness has cost America the sum of… see here, it changes every tenth of second and soon over 2.000 casualties among all members of the NATO (which actually is meaningless in terms of war casualties)

This morning, General Secretary of the NATO, Anders F. R. Rasmussen, writes another text in the New York Times where he assures the NATO-led alliance is on the good track, there has been unexpected difficulties and more are to come but it the end everything will be fine since "our strategy" is the right one!

Each paragraph of this text is a fraud and exposes the sheer hypocrisy of the West with no ultimate responsibility of the author. The same goes of course for all the politicians who acquiesced to this war, be it Bush, Blair, Chirac and their ilk.

A text you could have read in the Pravda 30 years ago when the Russians were there in order to protect the Afghan population from anti-social forces and help it construct a democratic and vibrant democracy (Soviet style).

The arguments used by all politicians and members of the military regarding Afghanistan are copied/pasted on those used by the French and other Europeans colonists in the XIXth century! We're in your country in order to help you and facilitate your accession to a life style worth your country etc. (See "Y'a bon la France").

To make it short, we're here to help you construct a democratic and vibrant democracy (American style).

Fact is the West is in complete disarray and knows not how to withdraw without losing face and admitting it was wrong from the very first day. Main beneficiaries: the industrial-military complex, whether American or French (Thales, Dassault etc.).

I should take some time to do a research and see how all those companies have fared on the international markets since 2001…

The NATO-led alliance is in Afghanistan in order to build a nation, yeah, right… I've read that line before. For what I remember, these same nations didn't blink an eye when the Taliban regime exploded the Bâmiyân statues for example or when Afghani women had been imposed subjugative way of life upon them for centuries.

But rest assured, this war is a democratic one since it has been launched by democratic countries whose populations have democratically elected their leaders. Although said populations never elected their leaders for the purpose of waging wars, no matter what, it's democratic and the trick's done!

Ain't nation-building great?

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